Thursday, February 16, 2017


I chose this ad from Ads of the World; it was done by SOS Ideas, an ad agency in India. At first I thought it was an animal ad, so that is why I clicked on it to read more. As I looked closer, I noticed in the right hand corner it says "Save Kolkata's Endangered Architecture" and repeated it in the description. Of course my curiosity lead me to search it to find out more. 
Long story short, Kolkata is a town in West Bengal, India. West Bengal is has been going through a depression, so since the 90s the government had been selling homes families could no longer afford to people who were not even residents of India, they were abroad in countries like America. Due them not living there, the non residents of India do not maintain these houses. I got this information from, and there is a huge article if your interested. A little history lesson goes along with the ad.

Back to a graphic design standpoint, the pandas in the middle of the image were definitely deceiving. I am not sure what purpose they really serve. They could enlarge the text a bit as well. Overall, now that I know the history behind it, there could be a lot of ideas that would help get the point of the campaign. 

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